Digital Equity Competitive Grant Resources
"The goal of the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program is to fund initiatives that ensure communities have the access and skills to fully participate in the digital world, regardless of their background or circumstances. This program will complement digital equity activities funded by the Capacity Grant Program."
DELN's resource page will provide a location where organizations can access up-to-date and relevant information to support their applications, which are due by September 23, 2024. This is the first funding opportunity from the $1.25 billion Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program, the third of the three Digital Equity Act programs.
Who is eligible:
Local educational agencies
Workforce development organizations
Political subdivisions, agencies, state instrumentalities
Tribes, Alaska Native entities, and Native Hawaiian organizations
Other community anchor institutions
U.S. territories are also eligible
Important Links
NOFO Information
Coalition Building
NTIA Digital Equity Competitive Application Webinar, Part 1: Standard Forms
NTIA Digital Equity Competitive Application Webinar, Part 2: Registration, Partnerships, LOCs
NTIA Digital Equity Competitive Application Webinar, Part 3: Project Narrative
NTIA Workforce Development Strategies by Minority Serving Institutions
NTIA Digital Equity Competitive Application Webinar, Part 4: Plans (Risk, Etc.)
NTIA Digital Equity Competitive Application Webinar, Part 5: Consolidated Budget Form